
Immaculate Heart of Mary

Devotion to the immaculate Heart of Mary is primarily based upon the Sacred Scriptures. In the New Testament, there are two references to the Heart of Mary in the Gospel according to St. Luke: .."Mary treasured all these things and reflected on them in her heart. " (Lk 2: 19) and " His mother meanwhile kept all these things in her heart. " (Lk 2:51) In the Old Testament, the heart is seen as the symbol of the depths of the human soul, the center of its choices and commitments. For all mankind, it is a symbol of love.

The artist, who has carved this statue, has put his soul into his work.

Statue  sculptured in wood and hand painted  - Made in Italy

At your request we will bring it to receive the Blessing from the Holy Father

height cm 34 - inches 13,3
